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Why Is My Furnace Leaking Water in Abernathy, TX?

Why Is My Furnace Leaking Water in Abernathy, TX?

Is your furnace leaking water and you are wondering what could be causing this? The furnace can leak water, and the reasons can vary slightly depending on whether it is a high-efficiency or non-condensing furnace. Here are three reasons that could make your furnace...
4 Signs of a Water Leak in Plainview, TX

4 Signs of a Water Leak in Plainview, TX

Plumbing leaks are among the most frustrating problems you can experience in Plainview, TX. An experienced plumber can quickly fix some leaks, though hidden water leaks can cause costly damages because they are tricky to detect. Early detection of water leaks can save...
Should You Purchase a New Thermostat for Your Home In Lubbock, TX?

Should You Purchase a New Thermostat for Your Home In Lubbock, TX?

The thermostat is the brain of your home’s HVAC system in Lubbock, TX. Your thermostat won’t last forever; it will need periodic replacements. Here’s how to know if it’s time to purchase a new thermostat for your home. Inaccurate Thermostat Readings First, make sure...
Are You Damaging Your Indoor Air Quality in Your Lubbock, TX Home?

Are You Damaging Your Indoor Air Quality in Your Lubbock, TX Home?

Living in Lubbock, TX, chances are that you spend half of your day inside your home, so you should be able to rely on your heating and cooling system to keep you comfortable. It’s important to know, though, that there are a few choices that can lower your indoor...
4 Plumbing Habits You Should Break Today in Lubbock, TX

4 Plumbing Habits You Should Break Today in Lubbock, TX

Unfortunately, your plumbing system is quite delicate and can quickly get damaged. The most common reason for plumbing issues has been human habits that, over time, can destroy pipes. If you’re looking to expand your plumbing system’s lifespan in Lubbock, TX,...
Could You Benefit From a New Thermostat in Lubbock, TX?

Could You Benefit From a New Thermostat in Lubbock, TX?

When the hot and humid summer conditions of Lubbock, TX, take center stage, your priority becomes a functioning HVAC system. One key component of your HVAC system is the thermostat for its communication and temperature adjustment duties. Having a new thermostat will...

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